Friday, October 24, 2008

Lots of New Fun Stuff!

Lately I have been spending lots of time in my autumnleah shop and I am so excited about all of the new stickers I have added. Christmas this year is especially fun for me and I have so many ideas that my brain might explode before I can create them all!

I have also entered the world of product tags. I had so many people asking me if I could make them tags that I figured it was worth a try! They are fairly simple to make but I completely understand why people would rather pay someone else to make them... it is a little monotonous. BUT, it is still not a huge part of what I do so I am enjoying it:)

Anyway, stop in and see what "new fun stuff" autumnleah has to offer...


Jodee said...

I am looking forward to seeing your Christmas stickers soon!

I am using Kamree's "ice cream cone" birthday stickers this weekend. Her loot bags turned out soooo cute thanks to you!